
"Scam organizer." Chief sanitary doctor of Ukraine was detained in Kiev – Avakov 06/30/2016 14:34:52. Total views 1015. Views today — 0.

Chief sanitary doctor of Ukraine Svyatoslav Protas and head of Department of the Sanitary Service of Ukraine Chepurnoy were detained on suspicion of theft of a large amount of budget funds. It was announced by Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov on Facebook.

"Chief sanitary doctor of Ukraine Svyatoslav Protas and head of Department of the Sanitary Service of Ukraine Chepurnoy have just been detained in the office. At the same time, searches are being conducted around the country, 19 chief medical doctors of regions are being interrogate, some of whom will also be detained!" - he wrote.

"The group of officials, headed by Protas, developed and implemented a criminal scheme for the theft of large sums of budgetary funds. Scam participants were detained during cashing out and receiving the first tranche of the stolen funds (400 000 hryvnia). The joint operation was carried out and developed by National Police (EPD) and NABU. It’s an excellent example of coordinated joint actions!" – said Avakov.

According to him, Protas was detained in his office, as the organizer of the theft.

"He acted cynically – prior agreed on how and under what rules budget money will be stolen and laundered. He explained rules and "duties"- all agreed to participate in the scam .. and only one(!) said – NO," - said Avakov.

"Such a gang.. We will cleanse step by step! Let's appoint 19 new decent sananity doctors!" - he concluded.