
Residents of Bakhmut complain on fighters at checkpointswho require to put a stamp with the new name of the city immediately 06/14/2016 21:49:01. Total views 1078. Views today — 0.

Residents Bakhmut (former Artemovsk) complain that fighters on duty at the internal checkpoints around the city demanded to put a stamp on the registration with the new name of the city and streets in the passport immediately. It is reported by Vecherniy Bakhmut.

The site notes that for the past week journalists of Vecherniy Bakhmut repeatedly got to know from people who don’t know each other about situations when "fighters on duty at the internal checkpoints around Bakhmut (Artemovsk) required from passing citizens to put in a stamp of registration with the new name of the city and the streets in the passport immediately." "Otherwise, people in uniform threatened to remove or break the documents or "do not let to pass next time." Preferring not to argue with armed men, the citizens dutifully stood in the queue in the morning in the center of administrative services of the City Council to put the coveted stamp of the city called "Bakhmut" in the passport", - said the statement.

Judging from the stories, it was clear that such a requirement was not everywhere, but only on certain days at certain checkpoints - depending on duty shifts.

Chief of Bakhmut Police Vladimir Goncharov responding to a question at the press conference said that no one resorted to the police with such statements. Such requirements are, in his view, unfounded and, most likely, it's a personal position of an employee who performs the passport control.

"We will hold a conversation with people on duty at checkpoints in order to eliminate such incidents," - promised Vladimir Goncharov.

Earlier it was reported that the re-registration of the population of the city will take place gradually, as needed, or citizens make real estate transactions.