
Faces of Russian Spring in Donetsk. Photo memoirs 04/11/2018 16:33:00. Total views 2303. Views today — 0.

Another capture of Donetsk regional administration and proclamation of the "DNR" took place in Donetsk in these April days 4 years ago. We do not know how those people, with whose hands and support those events began, live now. But it was they who initiated the current war. Under Russian flags and with shouts of "Putin". Perhaps now one of these people is not alive. But after tens of thousands killed and maimed, after a million and a half thrown out of their homes, it is worth looking into their faces to understand the price of someone's illusions, someone's self-interest, someone's dissatisfaction with life and, perhaps, just sadism ...

April 6, 2014 - seizure of Donetsk Regional State Administration


April 7, 2014 - proclamation of the "DNR"


Photo by Serhiy Vahanov