
Zakharchenko intimidated Akhmetov and his comrades in the "sanctions lists" with the consequences which they will see later 06/08/2016 20:13:13. Total views 1170. Views today — 0.

Rinat Akhmetov and other businessmen of Donetsk, people's deputies and officials on the so-called "DPR" sanctions list will face far-reaching consequences. Leader of "the republic" Alexander Zakharchenko said that during the "straight line with residents of Zaporozhye region, responding to a question whether the appearance of this list is the impending nationalization.

"With regard to the consequences for those who are included in the list, you will learn all about them at the needed time which we will define ourselves," - promised Zakharchenko.

OstroV’s source, meanwhile, reported that there were rumors in government offices of the "republic" that "Rinat’s business will soon be largely nicked."

As reported by OstroV, they issued a "decree" on the prohibition a number of people to enter the territory of Donetsk region, among whom there were many former "regionals". In total, the list includes 46 persons. Among them there are Rinat Akhmetov, Andrey Klyuyev, Yuriy Boyko, Borys Kolesnikov, Sergey Taruta, Viktor Pshonka, Raisa Bogatyryova, Yuriy Ivanyushchenko, Tatyana Bakhteyeva, Sergey Kurchenko and others.