
Fake referendum. Occupiers of "DNR" assure that more than 99% voted "for joining" 09/28/2022 11:12:40. Total views 360. Views today — 1.

Occupation authorities of the "DNR" have stated that during the fake "referendum", more than 99% of the residents supported the "entry" of the occupied Donbas into the russian federation. The data was released by Vladimir Vysotsky, who calls himself "CEC Chairman".

According to him, "according to the results of processing 100% of the protocols of district commissions, 2 116 800 voters supported the entry of the DNR into the russian federation and 4 938 voted against".

As previously reported, international law does not recognize "referenda" held in the occupied territories. The legislation of Ukraine, in turn, does not provide for holding local referendums on the issues of changing the borders of the state and violating its territorial integrity.