
Stefanchuk in European Parliament urges EU to grant Ukraine candidate status 06/08/2022 19:35:03. Total views 498. Views today — 0.

Head of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Ruslan Stefanchuk has called on the EU to grant Ukraine candidate status during his own speech in the European Parliament. This was reported on the official page of the European Parliament.

"Ukraine and its people need this powerful message from Europe", - Stefanchuk said.

According to him, any other political signal will only go in favor of vladimir putin and his regime.

Head of the European Parliament Roberta Mezola, in turn, noted that the European Parliament would continue to actively support Ukraine's efforts to obtain the status of the EU candidate.

"We know how important it is to give a clear signal that Ukraine has a place in our European family. To tell everyone that Ukraine is Europe", - she said.

It is noted that Stefanchuk told how the first russian attack on Ukraine shocked his country and the whole world, but the Ukrainians quickly realized what they needed to do: unite against the aggressor.

He also thanked the European countries for their response to russian aggression, and for the fact that they accepted Ukrainian refugees and stood together with the people of Ukraine.

In addition, he outlined the prospect of further actions in the event of a continuation of the war, including the following EU sanctions against the russian federation.

As previously reported, the decision to abolish EU duties on Ukrainian goods came into force on June 4.