
As a result of the conflict in Donbass region more than 9 thousand people died, more than 20 thousand are victims – UN 12/09/2015 22:39:59. Total views 2558. Views today — 0.

As a result of hostilities in Donbass region, more than 9 thousand people died, more than 20 thousand are victims. This is stated in a report published on the site Office of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, - reports Interfax-Ukraine.

"In total from the middle of April 2014 to November 15, 2015 at least 29,830 victims were registered (Ukrainian Armed Forces, civilians and members of armed groups) in areas of armed conflict in the east of Ukraine, including at least 9098 killed and at least 20,732 affected", - according to information.

This is the 12th report of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation of human rights in Ukraine, based on the work of the monitoring mission. The report covers the period from 16 August to 15 November 2015.

"The number of victims among civil population, registered from August 16 to November 15, is 178 people among whom 47 died and 131 were injured", - says the report.

52% out of the total amount are victims suffered from explosive devices who stayed after active hostilities in the region that proves the needs of

extensive mine clearance.

The report says that announced regime of ceasefire in Donbass led to significant decrease in hostilities, in particular in September and October. AT the same time, it is noted that at the beginning of November there was increase of clashes along the contact line including use of artillery system.

The mission also notes information about serious human rights violations against people living on the territories of the self-proclaimed "DPR / LPR".

The Office of the High Commissioner also noted that the Ukrainian side introduced in January 2015 restrictions on movement across the line of contact remain a major challenge for people living in the conflict zone.

"An estimated, 2.9 million people living in the conflict zone are still facing difficulties in employing their economic and social rights, in particular, access to quality health care, housing, social services and benefits, compensation mechanisms", - says the report.