
The "MSS of the DPR" said UN staff member detained by them is "SSU colonel" and impostor 04/13/2016 22:40:20. Total views 1680. Views today — 0.

The "MSS" of the so-called "DPR" said UN staff member detained by them was a SSU colonel. This was reported on the separatist DAN website.

According to "MSS", on April 8th militants detained a citizen of Ukraine Yuriy Suprun who introduced himself as a representative of the UN mission, but had not provided any relevant evidence.

"On Apri 8th, 2016 MSS of the DPR detained a citizen of Ukraine Yuri Suprun, Colonel of the Security Service, in the past one of the commanders of Alpha units in Kiev that acted on the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk regions. When arrested he said that he was that the current UN Mission representative in Donetsk, "- said the statement of the "agency"

The DPR "also reported that the detained UN official was suspected of involvement in "conducting reconnaissance and sabotage activities".

"Taking into account the available data on Suprun’s involvement in conducting reconnaissance and sabotage activities in the DPR, the person is detained till his status, the circumstances of his stay in the republic and participation in punitive operations of Kiev authorities against the people of the Donetsk People's Republic are clarified," – says the report.

As previously reported, the United Nations reported on the detention of its staff member in occupied militants Donetsk. According to the UN, the prisoner is well-treated. "The United Nations appeals to all parties, including the media, to respect the staff member and his family in this sensitive phase of the discussion around his release," - stated the UN report.

Earlier it was reported that on April 8th members of illegal armed groups in Donetsk captured and continued to hold captive Ukrainian employee of the UN monitoring mission who arrived in the city to perform his official duties. He is kept in the basement, no representatives of the UN mission are allowed to see him.