
If Russia leaves Donbass, it will "lose" Belarus and Kaliningrad region – Militant Khodakovsky 03/30/2016 23:19:11. Total views 1284. Views today — 0.

If Russia ceases its occupation in Donbass, it takes the risk to lose struggle for control over Belarus and "lose" Kaliningrad region. Commander of the Vostok terrorist battalion Alexander Khodakovsky wrote about that in his Live Journal.

"Losing Ukraine will not be the mechanisms to deal with a hypothetical situation in Belarus, furthermore, the West is already experienced in exerting pressure. And then Kaliningrad region will ask at first autonomy and then something else - the Ukrainian scenario can be applied to Russia," - wrote Khodakovsky.

"Believe me - the next (to go away from Russia's sphere of influence - OstroV) will be Belarus ... There have already been attempts by the West to play "their" democracy in the Belarusian space but they were then crushed by “batka”, however, when he passes away - we are not eternal – they’ll come with such a force that the maidan will seem like a child's play, nationalism card is worked outwell. Do you know how many nationalists are there in Belarus? It is simply the censored information that does let "excess" leak and everything is in order, there are enough people to chase the barricades," - notes Khodakovsky.

He also commented on the draft law on the unification of the occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions into a single Inter-regional Territorial Association (ITA) of Donbass, calling it the script of "surrender" of pro-Russian Donbass by authorities of Russian and the "DPR".

"Imagine they adopt it and what then ? And then it has to be implemented - and how is it possible to do it on the uncontrolled ( by Ukraine -OstroV) territory? Unless there is an agreement that those who control Donbass (Russia - OstroV) are ready to force t Donbass to follow this scenario," - wrote Khodakovsky.

"Russia will feel the surrender by the public opinion. There are in Russia and among the "uneasy" people who are not devoid of ideological motives and I appeal to them: do not let all of us lose,"- he concludes.

Khodakovsky Alexander is a former employee of the SSU, since the first days of the Russian hybrid war against Ukraine he broke the oath and became one of the leaders of Donbass terrorists. In the struggle for power and control over cash flows he was in confrontation with the so-called "head of the DPR" Alexander Zakharchenko. He is ideologist of Donbass accession to Russia but his approach to this matter is not understood in the Russian Federation.