
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 09/22/2021 12:00:00. Total views 1052. Views today — 1.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on September 21, two violations of the ceasefire by the armed formations of the Russian Federation were recorded, of which one shelling was with the use of weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreements, the JFO headquarters reported. The Russian occupation forces used prohibited 120 mm mortars near Kamianka, having fired 15 shots. The enemy made aimed firing at the positions of the Ukrainian defenders from small arms in the direction of the village of Shumy. The AFU servicemen conducted an active defense and suppressed the enemy's fire means, using weapons permitted by the Minsk agreements. Thanks to the efforts of our soldiers, the bounds of the Ukrainian units remain unchanged. There are no losses among the Ukrainian defenders.

A depot with ammunition from the Russian occupation forces exploded in occupied Yasynuvata. This was reported by local residents on social networks. The reports indicated that a fire broke out in the area of school No.69 and explosions were heard. Occupation propaganda tried to state that in fact, these were the consequences of a mortar shelling by the AFU. However, some local residents refuted this far-fetched version with their posts. "Name at least one place of hit!", - they reacted to hysterical comments in the "Roll Call. Yasynuvata" group about shelling from Ukraine. Many people drew attention to the fact that, allegedly, after the "Ukrainian mine" hit the area of the school, the explosions did not stop. Even the obvious supporters of the version of "Ukrainian punishers" eventually admitted that it was not about the school and its dormitory, but about the ammunition depot. "They hit ammunition equipment. Now it explodes on the spot. Nobody to go to area of school No.69!" "It is scary to go to the place, the ammunition equipment still explodes. There is no humor to die from our own fragments", - the residents of Yasynuvata confirmed the fact of the ammunition depot's explosion. Meanwhile, the CADO propagandists continued to fuel tensions, accusing the AFU of carrying out a "punitive action". If initially they wrote that "as a result of the shelling, hits were recorded on the territory of school No.69, the gas pipeline was damaged", then later the occupation authorities began to spread a fake about targeted fire at the boarding school. "The AFU shelled the boarding school where the children were at that moment", - local and Russian propagandists unreasonably declared.

609 patients with coronavirus have been "officially" added in certain areas of the Donetsk oblast (CADO) over the day, 47 people have died. These are the data of the fake "DNR Ministry of Health". In total, there are 62 752 people infected with COVID-19 in CADO. 8362 patients are undergoing treatment (inpatient and outpatient), 4614 people died. Thus, the mortality rate is 7.4% (it is 2.3% in the free territory of Ukraine and 2.1% - in the world). In addition, the occupiers revealed 328 cases of "usual" pneumonia over the day, which is 76 cases more than in the previous day. Of these, 190 were hospitalized. A total of 3071 patients with pneumonia are being treated, of which 1022 are on oxygen support (+137 over the day).

Doctors registered 18 more deaths from COVID-19 in the occupied territory of the Luhansk oblast over the day, separatist media wrote. Doctors "officially" registered 1154 deaths of patients diagnosed with coronavirus in CALO since the beginning of the pandemic.

The passage at the Olenivka checkpoint on the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast will not be carried out on September 24 "for technical reasons". This was announced by the so-called "DNR headquarters to prevent the import and spread of coronavirus". It was also reminded that Olenivka operated from 09.00 to 17.00 on September 20. 80 vehicles and 367 people were launched into the occupied territory. 49 vehicles and 252 people were released into the free territory of Ukraine.

An incident occurred between a drunken resident and the so-called "employees of the private security service of the DNR MIA" in occupied Horlivka. This was reported by the fake "DNR MIA". The report said that the "guards" arrived after the alarm was triggered (it was not reported where exactly), found an unknown man in a state of alcoholic intoxication, who behaved aggressively, he had an ax in his right hand. The man allegedly reacted aggressively to the order "to stop illegal actions", began to brandish an ax and loudly exchange abuse at the "law enforcement officers". The latter reported that they warned the offender that physical force would be used against him, but in response to this, the man raised his hand with an ax and began to swiftly approach the "police officers". The "guards" fired a warning shot from a service weapon in a safe direction, after which the man was detained "by the use of physical force and special means". "The offender was taken to the "regional police department" for identification and further investigation", - the police wrote.