
Passport check, detention and fingerprints: "DNR" occupiers tell what they can do if curfew is canceled 06/18/2021 19:01:39. Total views 749. Views today — 0.

The abolition of curfew in the occupied part of Donetsk region does not mean that people can go outside without a passport. This was reported by the so-called "DNR MIA".

"By the decision of the head of the internal affairs body or his deputy, citizens who do not have identity documents with them are detained until their identity is clarified, but for no more than three days. This period can be extended by the decision of the "court", but no more than to ten days", - the message says.

There are separate sanctions for those who do not have a "DNR passport", but have a legal passport of a citizen of Ukraine.

"Citizens who have a passport of a citizen of Ukraine can be delivered to the nearest territorial police department for identification and fingerprinting due to the impossibility of checking this document for authenticity", - the occupiers write.

They also add that "according to the DNR laws, they have the full right "to check documents of all residents, conduct their personal search and search of things, as well as on the grounds and under the "laws of the DNR", to detain citizens, other persons and vehicles for the proceedings. In this case, the period of detention of citizens and other persons should not exceed 15 (fifteen) days".

It is also separately reminded of the situation with children on the streets of CADO.

Thus, they should not be in public places unaccompanied by their parents: minors under the age of 7 - around the clock; from 7 to 14 years old - from 21:00 to 06:00; teenagers from 14 to 18 years old - from 22:00 to 06:00.