
Occupiers of "LNR" want "fraternity of the Press" to write "positive news" 06/18/2021 17:45:07. Total views 745. Views today — 0.

The so-called Peace to the Lugansk Region social movement ruling in the occupied part of Luhansk oblast has announced the "Good News of Donbass" competition. This was stated by Sergey Meshkovoy, who calls himself "the chief editor of the Lugansk Information Center state news agency".

"It is great that on the initiative of the Peace to the Lugansk Region, "a competition with quite simple and understandable conditions has appeared in the Republic, which is designed to support and develop the creative potential of our fraternity of the Press", - he said.

"It is necessary to send a work of a positive orientation, which is published no earlier than two weeks before the announcement of a new stage of the competition", - the editor-in-chief urged to generate "good news".