
Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbas. The highlights 01/12/2021 12:00:00. Total views 881. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on January 11, six violations of the ceasefire by the Russian occupation forces were recorded, - the JFO headquarters reported. The occupiers opened fire from an anti-tank grenade launcher in the area of ​​responsibility of the East tactical force not far from the settlement of Pavlopil, and from a hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher and small arms - in the suburb of Avdiivka. The enemy fired from a large-caliber machine gun, small arms and sniper weapons near Pisky. One AFU serviceman died as a result of the enemy shelling. Ukrainian soldiers returned fire to the enemy. In addition, Ukrainian defenders found an enemy drone of the "quadrocopter" type overflying the demarcation line not far from Krasnohorivka. The UAV was neutralized by the skillful actions of our military.

167 cases of coronavirus disease were detected in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast. Ten patients have died. These are the data provided by the fake "DNR Ministry of Health". In total, as of the morning of January 11, there were 16 209 registered cases of COVID-19 infection in CADO and 1448 deaths (as of January 9, there were 1438). Thus, the death rate from "covid" is 8.93%, which is several times higher than the same indicator in the free Ukrainian territory. The occupiers also provide statistics on the cases of pneumonia, which they refuse to associate with the coronavirus. So, 64 cases of pneumonia were detected over the day. 35 patients were hospitalized. A total of 1739 patients with "usual" pneumonia are being treated, of which 671 are on oxygen support (+8 over the day).

Doctors registered three deaths from COVID-19 in the occupied territory of Luhansk oblast over the day, - separatist media wrote. Thus, 194 cases of death of patients who were diagnosed with coronavirus have been registered in CALO since the beginning of the pandemic. According to the "official" information of the so-called "Ministry of Health of the LNR", the total number of confirmed cases of the disease is 2243.

Social networks of the occupied territory of Donbas immediately reacted to the inclusion of the Russian Federation in the list of countries, after visiting which citizens are required to either go to self-isolation for 14 days, or to confirm the absence of coronavirus infection by undergoing appropriate testing. This is particularly true for those who travel from CADLO to the free territory of Ukraine through Russia. "To end self-isolation, a traveler can undergo a PCR test for coronavirus in Ukraine or provide the result of such an analysis done no more than 48 hours before entering Ukraine. The condition for terminating quarantine is a negative test result, which confirms that the person is not sick", - is written in the local publics. Also, residents of occupied districts of the Donetsk oblast were outraged by their lack of rights in the "DNR". "Funny thing is that a two-week quarantine is lifted in almost all countries when a negative test for covid is passed. Except for one formation… called "DNR". You undergo the test (negative) in Olenivka, and still sit on self-isolation for two weeks" , - users of social networks complained.

The curfew, which was canceled in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast for the New Year holidays from December 31 to January 10, has been resumed from today, January 11. This was written in social networks. "With the resumption of the curfew, comrades!", - the residents of occupied Donetsk sneered. "Do not forget that today was the last night after which the carriage, on which it was possible to move during the curfew, will turn into a pumpkin", - the citizens joked. However, there are those who like the curfew. "I support the curfew. Because the drunks do not hang around the windows at night", - some Donetsk residents wrote.

Four road accidents, in which seven people were injured, were committed in the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast on Saturday-Sunday, January 9-10. This was reported by the so-called "DNR MIA".

There are problems with water supply and gas supply to residents in the cities of Khrestivka (formerly Kirovske) and Shakhtarsk in the occupied Donetsk region. This was reported by the local occupation "administrations". "Residents of two quarters, 15 city streets and a number of social facilities, including a school, a children's boarding school, a dispensary, a territorial branch of social services and two boiler houses, were left without water because of the large-scale rupture in Kirovske", - the city administration's report said. There is also an incident in neighboring Shakhtarsk - "water got into the gas pipeline". Because of this, the village of Molodetske remained without gas.