
Ukraine is ready to provide maximum support to the anti-terrorist forces in Syria – Poroshenko 12/07/2015 23:37:22. Total views 1228. Views today — 0.

Ukraine is ready to support the anti-terrorist coalition carrying out operations in Syria. This was stated by the president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko at the joint briefing with US Vice President Joseph Biden in Kiev on Monday, - reports Interfax-Ukraine.

"I confirmed to Mr. Vice President our willingness and readiness of Ukraine to provide maximum support to the coalition forces in Syria. Ukraine works and will work shoulder to shoulder with the anti-terrorist coalition", - said the president.

According to the President, Ukraine already has the appropriate expertise to combat terrorism.

"The terrorist threat is very familiar to Ukraine, not from some stories, we know what it is to fight against terrorism in the country, our security services protected Ukraine from more than 200 terrorist acts, which were prepared in Kiev, Zaporozhye, Odessa, Kharkiv, Lviv and other Ukrainian cities. The key positions is that we aren’t scared of terrorist threat", - said he.

The President also stressed that the intention of creating an international anti-terrorist coalition in Syria will not help Russia be cleansed of supporting terrorism in Ukraine.

"We made it clear that those states that support terrorism are not eligible to participate in the fight against terrorism. There are no bad terrorists and acceptable terrorists, they are terrorists and you can’t under the banner of the fight against terrorism be cleansed of violations of international law or obtain international indulgence. This is our clear position", - said Poroshenko.