
JFO headquarters reports losses sustained in battle with Russian occupiers. "DNR" talks about 5 dead AFU soldiers 03/10/2020 14:22:05. Total views 817. Views today — 0.

The Joint Forces have suffered losses as a result of a Russian anti-tank guided missile hitting the AFU lorry on Tuesday afternoon. This is stated in the report of press center of the JFO headquarters.

"Today, on March 10, the Russian occupation troops attacked the positions of Ukrainian defenders in the Donetsk direction. Russian occupiers fired at the Joint Forces positions using weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreements, in particular, 120 mm mortars and grenade launchers of various systems, machine guns and small arms", - the report said.

In addition, the enemy fired at a military truck of one of the JFO units from an anti-tank missile system, resulting in losses among Ukrainian defenders. The number of dead and wounded was not specified.

The "DNR" propagandists also report losses in the ranks of the Joint Forces. According to their version, the car, and after it the evacuation vehicle, were blown up on anti-tank mines. The occupiers say five Ukrainian soldiers were killed and six were wounded.