
First case of coronavirus COVID-19 recorded in Ukraine 03/03/2020 13:25:31. Total views 936. Views today — 0.

The first case of coronavirus COVID-19 was recorded in Ukraine. It is a resident of the Chernivtsi oblast. This was reported by Deputy Minister of Health Viktor Liashko at a briefing in Kyiv today, - correspondent of OstroV reports.

"Yesterday I talked about the fact that we had 4 suspected cases, today 1 person confirmed this suspicion. The case was registered and we started working with the contact persons of this person", - he stated.

Liashko specified that coronavirus it was a resident of the Chernivtsi oblast.

According to him, all materials and samples were transferred to the virology laboratory of the World Health Organization.

Victor Liashko told that the person with coronavirus recently returned from a trip to Italy.

"The family that traveled, a man and a woman, isolated themselves. Literally two days after self-isolation, the person had symptoms that suggested that a coronavirus infection could appear. He asked the family doctor for advice according to self-isolation memory aid, got a consultation and continued to carry out the doctor's recommendations. Late at night on February 29, symptoms that required additional consultation at the infectious diseases hospital appeared. An ambulance was called and a team that was determined by the health department just for visiting and transporting patients with suspected coronavirus infection arrived. The patient was taken to the hospital base, which has been determined by the order of the health department of the Chernivtsi oblast", - he said.