
No autonomy for occupied Donbass in Minsk agreements - Sajdik 01/20/2020 09:45:14. Total views 1094. Views today — 0.

The Minsk agreements do not provide for autonomy for the temporarily occupied territories of Donbass. This was stated by ex-OSCE representative in the Trilateral Contact Group in Minsk Martin Sajdik in an interview with Die Presse, - Ukrinform reports.

"Then another element appeared on the Russian party: the demand for autonomy is a concept that is useless to look for in the text of the Minsk agreements. There is only decentralization. Therefore, if the Ukrainians do not want to talk about autonomy, I can understand it", - he said.

At the same time, he emphasized that Ukraine is ready to provide a special status for Donbass in the framework of decentralization, but only after the full restoration of its sovereignty over the temporarily occupied territories. So far, "the Russians and the separatists do not want to talk about this Day X".