
Poroshenko's people demand creation of committee of investigation on tapegate with Truba and Riaboshapka 11/22/2019 18:13:08. Total views 1190. Views today — 0.

The European Solidarity parliamentary faction demands creation of a temporary committee of investigation in the Verkhovna Rada to investigate the facts of illegal interference by the Office of the President of Ukraine in the work of law enforcement agencies. This is reported by Interfax-Ukraine.

"Shocking facts of the systematic illegal interference of the President's Office in the work of law enforcement agencies require impartial investigation. However, the scandal in connection with the publication of conversations of SBI Director Roman Truba affects almost all law enforcement agencies, and there is no one left to investigate. Therefore, the only way out is to create a temporary committee of investigation in the Verkhovna Rada with a wide representation of the opposition factions", - the statement of the European Solidarity said.

As reported, European Soliarity requires the removal of persons involved in conversations, including head of the President's Office Andriy Bohdan, deputy head of the President's Office Andriy Smyrnov, prosecutor general Ruslan Riaboshapka and director of the SBI Roman Truba, from office for the period of TCI's work.

"We demand the immediate conduct of all necessary examinations in order to identify the votes. In case of sabotage of this initiative by the authorities, we reserve the right to contact the relevant international structures", - the EU statement said.

Deputies of European Solidarity believe that the authorities and persons involved in the published conversations are more than anyone else interested in the speedy creation of the TCI and obj impartial investigation of this tapegate.

Let us recall, that audio recordings, on which, allegedly, director of the SBI Roman Truba, allegedly, received instructions from Prosecutor General Ruslan Riaboshapka and head of the Office of the President of Ukraine Andriy Bohdan about the suspension of a number of searches, and also allegedly received tasks from President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky on the opening of specific cases, were posted on the "Pipe break" telegram channel on November 19.

As previously reported, the GPOU assures that it verify the accuracy of all leaks of information in various Telegram channels.