
Artillery woman controller of militants was detained in Zaytsevo village 02/23/2016 15:51:00. Total views 1286. Views today — 0.

Artillery woman controller of militants was detained by employees of the Security Service of Ukraine in Zaytsevo village, - reports the SSU press-center.

"Since 2014 an accomplice of militants has been paid for regularly giving information to terrorists on basing and movement of Ukrainian units, adjusting artillery fire of the "DPR" terrorist organization, as well as collecting data on losses of the Ukrainian military after the shelling," - said the statement.

The commander of one of the terrorist groups called "Starshyna" coordinated activities of the local woman.

Criminal proceedings under Part. 1, Art. 258-3 (participation in a terrorist organization) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine were opened. Women is charged with suspicion.