
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 09/25/2019 11:00:00. Total views 824. Views today — 0.

In the area of the Joint Forces Operation on September 24, the armed forces of the Russian Federation and its mercenaries violated the ceasefire 9 times, - the JFO headquarters reported. The enemy fired at the positions of our units from 82 mm mortars prohibited by the Minsk agreements, as well as from grenade launchers of various systems, sniper and small arms. One member of the Joint Forces was killed, another soldier was injured during the day as a result of the enemy shelling.

Leader of the "DNR" Denis Pushilin stated that representatives of the occupied part of Donetsk oblast would insist on the signing of Steinmeier formula by the Ukrainian party at the talks of the Contact Group in Minsk, - separatist media reported. The statement by the "DNR" leader was immediately supported by the Russian political technologist Alexey Chesnakov, member of the team of Assistant to the President of Russia Vladislav Surkov. "The demand" of the "DNR head" D.Pushilin to force L.Kuchma to sign Steinmeier formula is absolutely fair… It is time for Kuchma to understand and reconcile – he has to sign it. Because Pushilin is right: no special status - no peace. This is the essence of the Minsk agreements", - he wrote in his Telegram channel.

Militants of the "DNR" in the occupied territory are not respected by both the "official" authorities and local residents. This was told by commander of the anti-tank unit of the "DNR" illegal armed formations Alexander with the call sign "Marshal" in an interview with one of the separatist channels on Youtube. He admitted that they go to the "people's militia" solely for the sake of earning money, and the ideological "militias" have already left the ranks of the illegal armed formations. "The guys were disappointed, some left, others were told to leave… (Those who have nowhere to go stayed, they need to feed their families. Where do they pay money? Only in the army", - the militant told. At the same time, most of the "recruits" prefer to "fight" in the rear, rather than on the front line. Moreover, the attitude to the military in the "DNR", according to "Marshal", is extremely negative on the part of residents of the occupied Donbass.

Pensioners who returned to the occupied territory of Luhansk oblast will not be able to receive payments without obtaining the "LNR citizenship". This was stated on a temporary order for registration with the authorities of the "LNR Pension Fund" of persons who have arrived to the uncontrolled territory for permanent residence. The fake "pension fund" specified that those who went outside the "LNR" for permanent or temporary residence and, accordingly, received pension payments outside it, would not receive pensions without the "citizenship" of the non-existent "state". The occupation authorities counted a little more than 10 thousand of such "returnees", "or two percent of the total contingent of pensioners of the "republic". "It is not necessary to provide the "LNR passport" for pensioners permanently residing in the territory of the "LNR", who have not stopped receiving pensions", - the "pension fund" emphasized.

The "court" of the so-called "LNR" sentenced a resident of the occupied territory of Luhansk oblast to 12 years in prison for "cooperation with the Security Service of Ukraine". This was stated in a message on the website of the "LNR MSS". "The Supreme Court of the Luhansk People's Republic sentenced citizen of the LNR Yuriy Merzly to 12 years in prison for committing high treason in the form of espionage", - the report said.

Unidentified persons committed gruesome murder of a 13-year-old girl in occupied Khartsyzsk. This was reported by the so-called "DNR MIA". Firefighters who eliminated a fire on the second floor of a five-story apartment building on the Shalimova Street, found the corpse of the 13-year-old girl with traces of violent death. "Multiple stab wounds to the body and neck were found on the victim's body", - the report said. It was noted that at that moment, the identities of probable murder suspects were established. Local residents wrote in social networks that the killer cut the throat of the girl, and raped her before. Covering up the trail, the killer set fire. "The girl allegedly wrote to someone via social networks in the absence of her parents and invited the unknown person to her house", - people wrote in social networks.