
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 06/14/2019 12:00:00. Total views 889. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on June 13, the armed forces of the Russian Federation violated the ceasefire nine times, - the JFO headquarters reported. The enemy fired at the positions of our units with the use of 152 mm artillery prohibited by the Minsk agreements, 82 mm mortar bombs, and from grenade launchers of various systems, heavy machine guns and small arms. One Ukrainian soldier received a battle injury as a result of the enemy attacks. Our units gave an adequate response to shelling by the armed formations of the Russian Federation.

12 civilians were killed in the Donbass over six months. This was stated by chairman of the United Nations Monitoring Mission on Human Rights in Ukraine Fiona Fraser, - correspondent of OstroV reported. "We have documented 70 civilian casualties from January 1 to June 9: 12 deaths and 58 injuries. These are the lowest figures for the entire period of the conflict", - Fraser noted.

Russian mercenary Andrey Morozov ("Murz") offers to provide all the "DNR/LNR" militants with passports of the Russian Federation and declare them "Russian peacekeeping forces" after that. He wrote this on his page on social network. "Fast certification of warriors, if successful, creates an opportunity for the transformation of the "corps" into the Russian peacekeeping forces in the Donbass in addition to other interesting results. You can smile sweetly in the Minsk discussions on "peacekeepers entering": "What is this for? Some Poles or Brazilians? The peacekeepers are already here. Kindly provided by Russia along with all of the supplies. Who will shoot at them, will shoot at the army of the Russian Federation with all that it implies", - "Murz" drew a scenario of legalization of the Russian occupation of the east of Ukraine.

Talking about the increase in salaries and pensions in the "republic", leader of the "LNR" Leonid Pasechnik almost literally repeated a similar statement by his "colleague" from the "DNR" Denis Pushilin. This is evidenced by a comparative analysis of the messages they made. The similarity of the message of "heads" of the two "fraternal republics" is not limited to the timeframes and amounts of the increase in salaries, pensions and social benefits: Pasechnik and Pushilin actually voived a completely identical text.

The "LNR" tried to unreasonably shift the responsibility for the death of an elderly man on the line of demarcation to the Ukrainian party. This is evidenced by a comparative analysis of the statements of the occupation authorities and OSCE SMM report. Thus, Ivan Filiponenko, who calls himself officer of the press service of the management of the "people's militia" (illegal armed formations of the "LNR" - OstroV), stated that an elderly resident of the occupied territory had died of heat in early June. According to him, the deceased spent a long time under a boiling sun at checkpoint on the Ukrainian side, when returned to the occupied territory, he lost consciousness and died. Meanwhile, such statements are fundamentally different from the data of the OSCE SMM. According to the Mission, the man died precisely after passing through the separatist checkpoint. He was heading towards the territory under control and died before reaching the Ukrainian checkpoint.

Sixteen trucks with humanitarian aid from the International Committee of the Red Cross crossed the Novotroitske checkpoint to the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine, - the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine reported. Construction and agricultural materials, food kits, medicines, and pet food were sent to the Donbass residents. On the whole, a humanitarian cargo weighing 294.75 tons was issued.

A woman fell from the third floor of a residential building on the roof of the trade pavilion in occupied Donetsk, - the so-called "Ministry of Emergency Situations of the DNR" reported. "13.06.2019, Donetsk, Proletarsky district, Bolshaya Magistralnaya St. – removal of the woman who fell from the third floor of a five-story building on the roof of the trade pavilion", - the report said. The Ministry of Emergency Situations personnel lowered the woman from the roof with the help of a ladder, hard stretcher and rescue rope and handed her over to the ambulance workers for hospitalization.