
Churches of Moscow Patriarchate in "LNR" pay for rent as "Russian motorcyclists" - 1 ruble ($0.016) 04/24/2019 11:47:18. Total views 819. Views today — 0.

The rent for the use of movable and immovable property for legalized religious organizations of the Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate in the "LNR"  is 1 Russian ruble ($0.016) per year. This is stated in the "resolution" of the so-called "Council of Ministers of the Republic" of April 23, 2019. 

It is noted that such a meager rent is also defined for the occupation authorities, non-existent "local governments", "public" institutions, Peace to the Luhansk Region social movement (de facto the ruling "LNR" party - OstroV) and Russian Motorcyclists non-governmental organization.

It is revealing that of all religious denominations remaining in the "LNR", nominal fee is assigned only for "religious associations of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, legalized in accordance with the procedure established by the current... legislation".

The "resolution" says that the ruble obtained from the taxation objects listed above "is being sent to the "LNR" state budget".