
Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 04/16/2019 11:00:00. Total views 700. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on April 15, the enemy violated the ceasefire seven times, three of them - with the use of arms prohibited by the Minsk agreements. This was reported by the press center of the JFO headquarters. It was reported that the armed forces of the Russian Federation also fired at the positions of our units from grenade launchers of various systems, large-caliber machine guns and small arms. There are no casualties among the Joint Forces. The Joint Forces' units gave an adequate response to the enemy provocations.

The Kremlin intends to allow residents of the so-called "DNR" and "LNR" to obtain Russian citizenship under simplified procedure in the near future. This was reported by the Russian Kommersant with reference to several informed interlocutors in the Russian government agencies. According to one of them, it is expected that after the election in Ukraine, Putin will sign a decree that will endow the residents of CADLO with such a right. Another interlocutor of Kommersant noted that this issue was fully developed and all that was needed was to sign a decree. Head of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs Leonid Kalashnikov confirmed to Kommersant that "such a decree can be signed immediately after the election". However, after issuing a caveat saying "unless some political expediency arises to see how the new Ukrainian president, if he appears there, will do something or not it in terms of resolving the situation in the east of Ukraine".

Luhanskvoda controlled by occupiers will stop the water supply of the central part of Luhansk on April 16 due to repairs on the water conduit, separatist media write. In this regard, from 09.00 and approximately until 23.00, water supply to residents of the central districts of Luhansk will be cut off.

18 people died in fires in Donetsk since the beginning of 2019. This was reported by the so-called "Ministry of Emergency Situations of the DNR".

47 babies were born in Donetsk from April 8 to 15: 25 boys and 22 girls. This was reported by the city occupation administration.

47 babies were born in Luhansk from April 8 to 14: 25 boys and 22 girls. This was reported by the city occupation administration.