
Medvedchuk assures that "DNR/LNR" supported his plan to return occupied Donbass to Ukraine 04/03/2019 14:09:46. Total views 1353. Views today — 1.

Viktor Medvedchuk assures that the "DNR/LNR" leaders supported his "peaceful plan" of returning the occupied Donbass to Ukraine on the basis of broad autonomy and full amnesty. The head of the political council Opposition Platform - For Life told this in a comment to the NEWSONE TV channel.

He is confident that his plan for resolving the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine via direct talks with the "DNR/LNR" leaders is the only true. Moreover, according to Medvedchuk, the leaders of the "republics" of the occupied Donbass and leadership of Russia fully support him.

"Donetsk and Luhansk (today's leaders of CADLO), as well as Moscow, which stated support for Medvedchuk's plan for a peaceful settlement, supported and agreed to direct talks, including on this plan and sections proposed there", - the politician stated.

He once again stressed that for the "return of people" of the uncontrolled territories, these areas should be given autonomy status within Ukraine and security guarantees".

As previously reported, the Prosecutor General's Office opened criminal proceedings on possible treason and separatism of Viktor Medvedchuk. On February 5, 2019, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine made entry on the commission of criminal offenses by V.Medvedchuk under Part 1 of Article 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and Part 1 of Article 110 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine into the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations on the appeal of People's Deputy Andriy Teteruk. Head of the pro-Russian organization Ukrainian Choice - People's Right and political council of the Opposition Platform - For Life Viktor Medvedchuk made a loud statement at the party congress in Kyiv on January 29, 2019, having declared the need to create the so-called "Donbass autonomous region" with the formation of its own parliament and government, as well as securing such a status in the Constitution of Ukraine. His notes for a concept envisage the creation of the Donbass autonomous region as part of Ukraine.

The Security Service of Ukraine checks the information of the Prosecutor General's Office about the possible illegal activities of leader of the Ukrainian Choice organization Viktor Medvedchuk.