
The occupation "administration" of Donetsk acknowledged that the "mayor" lied, telling about the detention of the demolitionists of the monument to Lenin 02/09/2016 20:06:31. Total views 1183. Views today — 0.

Donetsk occupation administration was forced to admit that the self-appointed "mayor" Igor Martynov lied, telling about the detention of persons who tried to undermine the monument to Lenin on January 27th. This was reported on the website of "administration" of Donetsk.

"Department of public relations of Donetsk City Administration notes that the published information in the media, citing the head of administration of Donetsk Igor Martynov on the detention of the perpetrators of the attack on the ​​Lenin square on January 27th is not accurate," - said the message.

It is noted that information on the status of "investigation" can only be provided by the so-called Ministry of the Internal Affairs of the "DPR".

As previously reported, a number of separatist websites, including "the official website of the DPar" quoted words of the "governor" of Donetsk that the suspected of blowing up the monument to Lenin were arrested and would be punished. "Video cameras located on the square filmed everything, who it was, what it was. These rascals were arrested and measures will be taken against them," - Martynov said.