
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 10/05/2018 12:10:12. Total views 1116. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on October 4, Russian occupation bforces violated the cease-fire 9 times, - the JFO headquarters reports. In the afternoon, the enemy opened aimed fire at the Joint Forces' positions near the settlements of Krymske, Orikhiv, Luhanske, Shumy, Pivdenne, Krasnohorivka, Marinka and Pavlopil. The strongholds of our troops near Shumy and Pivdenne were fired from small arms, in Krasnohorovka, Marinka and Pavlopil - from small arms and heavy machine guns, in the area of ​​Krymske and Luhanske, the enemy also used heavy grenade launchers. 82mm mortar attacks were made by the enemy against the defenders of Krymske and Orikhiv, positions near Luhanske were fired from 120mm mortars. Two soldiers of the Joint Forces were injured in operational activity.

One of the ideologists of Novorossia Pavel Gubarev, fearing the withdrawal of his candidacy from the fake election of "head of the DNR", admitted that he had traveled to Moscow where he allegedly enlisted the support of influential officials and leading media. This is stated in his "statement for all fellow citizens". Not repeating hypocritically repeat that the "election" scheduled for November are an internal affair of the "republic" and everything depends on the "people of Donbass", Gubarev admits that in reality, the question of "head of the DNR" is solved only in Moscow.

The tram, allegedly of its own "republican" production, which was presented with fanfare on August 21 by former leader of the "DNR" Alexander Zakharchenko, did not enter the route, as it simply has no brake system. This was written by separatist who is in opposition to the current "DNR" regime, writing in social networks under the nickname "Donetsk aborigine".

Luhanskvoda urges residents of the occupied territory of Luhansk oblast to make the necessary supply of water in connection with power outage in the period from October 6 to 7, separatist media report.

Two residents of the occupied territory of Luhansk oblast were seriously injured due to the explosion of ammunition. Group "Sverdlovsk - you should know this" writes about it in social network. "The first incident happened in Lutuhyne. Viktor Shepilov dismantled an RPG grenade in the courtyard and it exploded. Shepilov with multiple shrapnel wounds of face and chest, torn off hand and foot was brought to resuscitation department. Critical condition", - the report said. The second case occurred in Stakhanov. Dmitriy Kiseliov was hospitalized in the Stakhanov hospital with less serious injuries (this time the victim lost only his fingers and eye). "He poked around in the trash can and found a bundle there, during the inspection of which, the explosion occurred. Apparently, a fuse or grenade exploded", - the report said.