
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 09/19/2018 12:11:17. Total views 1224. Views today — 1.

In the area of the Joint Forces Operation on September 18, Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire 9 times. This was reported by the JFO headquarters. In the afternoon, the enemy opened fire from grenade launchers of various systems, large-caliber machine guns and small arms at the Joint Forces' positions in the vicinity of Krymske, Luhanske, Pivdenne, Pavlopil and Shyrokyne settlements.

The so-called "provisional head of the DNR" Denis Pushilin told separatist media that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are "not ready for a real attack" against the "DNR" now. "The weapons that are in Ukraine are not ready to be used", - Pusilin stated.

Representatives of the Rozumna Syla party, which, according to the SBU, is being funded from Russia, stated they had held an organizational meeting in occupied Luhansk to hold the so-called "direct people's talks" between all residents of Ukraine. This is reported on the party's website. The message says that they met with the "initiative group of civilians, public figures, representatives of public organizations" at the Luhansk railway station and signed a "declaration of peace".

The "DNR" propagandists spread information that liquidated leader of the "DNR" Alexander Zakharchenko is honorary academician of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts of St. Petersburg and laureate of the Peter the Great's Prize of the same academy. This is reported by separatist media in the context of transfer of "scientific" regalia of the deceased militant to the Donetsk museum of local lore. In fact, the title of "academician", even honorary, appropriated by the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts is fake, since this structure has nothing to do with academic degrees and is a non-governmental organization with a beautiful loud name.

"Officials" of the Lugansknefteproduct enterprise controlled by the militants stole "state" gasoline. This is written by the group "Sverdlovsk – you shoud know this" in the social network. So, according to the source, the "LNR MIA" revealed numerous cases of theft of gasoline and diesel fuel by "officials" of the Lugansknefteprodukt company for a total of $147.6 thousand.

An elderly woman was seriously injured in the queue at the Stanytsia Luhanska checkpoint. This was reported by monitor of the Right to Protection charitable fund Mikhail Alfimov. According to him, a 66-year-old pensioner was sent from Alchevsk and stood in line to pass the checkpoint from the occupied territory. As a rule, people from the general queue are sent to passport control in small groups (50-60 people) and sometimes they run in a crowd, knocking down each other. According to the monitor, when the queue approached the registration zone, someone pushed the woman in the back and she fell. The crowd ran on her. Medical workers working at the checkpoint rendered first aid to the injured and called the ambulance. Preliminarily, the woman was diagnosed with a hip fracture.

In the occupied territory of Luhansk region, two men in masks broke into the pensioner's house and robbed her after torture. This is stated in the message of the group "Sverdlovsk – you should know this" in the social network. According to the information, a 77-year-old woman, resident of the Fabrychny settlement of the occupied Lutuhyne district, applied to the "police" and reported that two unidentified men in masks and gloves broke the glass and rushed into her house, began torturing her to find out where the money is hidden. As a result, the robbers took $280 and a golden teaspoon.