
Thursday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 09/14/2018 11:31:00. Total views 865. Views today — 0.

In the area of ​​the Joint Forces Operation on September 13, Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire 15 times. This was reported by the JFO headquarters. The enemy provided aimed fire from grenade launchers of various systems, large-caliber machine guns and small arms. At the same time, the enemy used weapons forbidden by the Minsk agreements 5 times. During the day, our positions were fired from grenade launchers, heavy machine guns and small arms in the areas of Stanytsia Luhanska, Krymske, Berezove, Starohnativka, Hranitne, Chermalyk, Pavlopil, Hnytove, Vodiane, Lebedynske and Shyrokyne settlements. Russian occupation forces opened fire from 82 mm mortars on the Joint Forces' positions in the vicinity of Chermalyk and Vodiane settlements. Strong point near Krymske was fired from 120 mm mortar shells. One more position of our troops near Chermalyk was fired by the enemy from mortars of the same caliber.

Temporary leader of the "DNR" Denis Pushilin ordered to check the activities of "the Ministry of Revenues and Duties of the DNR". This is stated in the corresponding "order" of the separatist. Pushilin ordered the creation of a special commission "from among the employees of the Ministry of State Security, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of Finance" until September 14.

The "DNR" announced redistribution of "seized" from the legitimate owners real estate and other property. This is stated in the message of the so-called "Ministry of Revenues and Fees". It recalls that previously, under the leadership of Alexander Timofeev, the "department" allowed a large number of lawlessness: raider captures of objects, seizure of property and so on.

Representatives of CDLO declared their readiness to transfer prisoners, condemned before the military conflict in the Donbass, to the territory controlled by Ukraine. This was stated by coordinator of the OSCE SMM Tony Frisch at a briefing in Kyiv. "I heard that there are a lot of such people who want to be transferred to the controlled areas, at least I know about 50 cases, but it seems to me that there will be more of them after an important step to be taken by CDLO", - Frisch said.

Temporary leader of the "DNR" Denis Pushilin ordered to provide "state" protection of high-ranking officials of the occupation authorities. First of all, the protection relies on the first two persons: "head of the republic" and "chairman of the council of ministers". In fact, "head" and "chairman" is the same person. In addition, the so-called "Chairman of the People's Council of the DNR", that is, Denis Pushilin, who is still holding this post, must also be carefully guarded. And, finally, deputies of the "Prime Minister", CDDO representative at the negotiations of the Tripartite Contact Group in Minsk and head of the fake "Supreme Court" will be under "state" protection.

For several years, the "DNR/LNR" militants daily lose 2-3 people dead. This figure was cited by Russian propagandist Dmitriy Steshin in his report for Komsomolskaya Pravda. "Actually, there were no active military operations on the Donbass fronts since 2015. The war has turned into a positional one, which in reality collects the same bloody harvest, only it is spread through time and not so noticeable. The loss figures are classified. But unofficially, 2-3 soldiers perish every day only in the DNR over a number of years", - Steshin writes.

Temporary leader of the "DNR" Denis Pushilin advocated the return to the former owners the markets and enterprises, seized from them under the pretext of "nationalization".

A 65-year-old woman suffered a heart attack at the Marinka entry-exit checkpoint. This is reported by monitors of the Right to Protection charitable fund. It is noted that the woman went from the occupied territory, the ambulance took her from the scene of the incident.

Appointment for officer positions in the "DNR" illegal armed formations is carried out for large-scale bribes. This was written by Russian terrorist Igor Girkin (Strelkov) on his page in social network. "…A friend wanted to go to serve in an officer's post in the corps (of the illegal armed formation of the "DNR" – OstroV) after being wounded. $875 (amount of the bribe – OstroV) – for the post of platoon in Zaitseve. $1750 – in place of the deceased deputy commander for political affairs Kudesnik, $1750 – to the commandant's office, - the Russian militant quotes a letter of a comrade from Donbass, whom he trusts.