
Ukraine temporarily closes two checkpoints on administrative border with Crimea because of ecological situation in Armyansk 09/07/2018 12:55:31. Total views 724. Views today — 0.

Kalanchak and Chaplynka entry-exit checkpoints on the administrative border with the occupied Crimea have temporarily ceased their work in connection with ecological situation with the Crimean Titan plant. This is reported by Ukrayinska Pravda with reference to the Speaker of the State Border Guard Service Oleh Slobodian.

"A decision has been taken over the dangerous environmental situation at the Titan plant in occupied Crimea to temporarily close the Kalanchak and Chaplynka entry-exit checkpoints to preserve the life and health of State Border Service workers and citizens living near the administrative border and moving across these checkpoints", - Oleh Slobodian reports on Facebook.

It will be possible to cross the administrative border with the temporarily occupied Crimea only through the Chonhar entry-exit checkpoint, which is operating in the regular mode, - the report said.

It is noted that the border guards will continue to carry out their duty at the temporarily closed checkpoints, but citizens and vehicles will be let through only in emergency cases.

"Simplified procedures will be applied to citizens of Ukraine from the occupied peninsula if they move to mainland Ukraine over the disaster", - Slobodian noted.

Earlier on Thursday, at the meeting of the National Security and Defence Council, President Petro Poroshenko called release of chemical substances on the territory of occupied Crimea an environmental catastrophe and called for the creation of international commission to stop it.

As reported, an unknown substance was released into the atmosphere in the north of occupied Crimea in Armyansk. Because of it, an oily spue formed on the roofs of houses and leaves of trees.

Not far from the Chaplynka entry-exit checkpoint, Ukrainian border guards recorded the presence of toxic substances in the air. Servicemen who patrol the administrative border with Crimea in the Kherson oblast complained of a headache, nausea and throat irritation.

On September 4, the occupiers decided to cease the work of Titan plant in Armyansk for two weeks. The so-called "head of the republic" Sergey Aksyonov also decided to send all the children of school and preschool age from the city. This was explained by the fact that concentration of sulfurous anhydride has been exceeded in the city.

The Defence Ministry stated that the release of chemicals was due to the fact that Russian military in the Crimea fired sludge tanks of the titanium and soda plants, - the report said.