
The occupation authorities took up "screening" of religious organizations by the rigid registration in the "DPR" 02/02/2016 15:30:02. Total views 1218. Views today — 0.

The occupation authorities have imposed rigid rules on the registration of religious organizations on the part of Donetsk region controlled by the militants. This was stated by the so-called "deputy of the People's Council" of the "DPR" Sergei Kondrykinskiy - reports the website of the fake "republic".

"Any religious organization ... shows what it does, and before the registeration, it undergoes a series of checks and instances. Only after that the organization is registered and it can carry out its activities", - said Kondrykinskiy.

According to him, "before anyone could complete unimpeded registration and conduct sectarian activities."

Last week "MSS of the DNR" detained a well-known scientist-theologian, president of the Center for Religion Research and International Spiritual Relations Igor Kozlovsky, whose location is still unknown, in occupied Donetsk.

The authorities of the self-proclaimed "DPR" organized a demonstration in Donetsk against "sectarian organizations" on January 29th. During the demonstration, the organizers claimed that they "do not want to see sects in the "DPR" "because "sects called for disorder in the "republic". According to them, "the CIA is closely related to the Greek-Catholic Church" and "manipulates" youth through funding.