
CDDO have been experiencing an acute shortage of gasoline for several days (VIDEO) 05/30/2018 14:42:22. Total views 865. Views today — 0.

An acute shortage of gasoline has been observed in the occupied part of the Donetsk oblast for several days. Local residents write about this in social networks.

The gas stations, which have gasoline, immediately draw up long queues of residents. Fuel problems are explained by supply problems and nobody can tell when the situation will change.

Here's how the residents of the temporarily occupied territory react to the gasoline deficit:

"There are less cars on the roads",

"It's time for the residents of the young republic to change their cars to Tesla",

"Rumor has it that there will be a big increase in the price of fuel",

"I congratulate the Republic on obtaining a gasoline-free regime",

"Damn, I have fuel only for 20 km",

"Say no to gasoline...",

"Everyone should go for a run! Long live the healthy lifestyle!!!".

In early May, residents of occupied Donetsk complained about the increase in prices for fuel, and even earlier - on shortages of diesel fuel.

The inhabitant of Donetsk has recorded his attempts to find gasoline in the occupied city