
"DNR" promises not to criticize the occupation authorities, even if a monkey with Down syndrome heads them 05/22/2018 17:34:46. Total views 763. Views today — 0.

Active propagandist and supporter of the terrorist "DNR" Anatoliy Gelyukh (Natan Yuzovsky) said that he was ready to support any authorities, even if a monkey with Down syndrome heads them. By stating this, he showed his negative attitude towards the "republican" opposition.

"Just now, my comrade made a remark, saying that by expressing a negative attitude towards the opposition, I justify the authorities. I must say that even if we are led by a chimpanzee with Down syndrome and drug addiction, even this will not make me say a kind word to the opposition in wartime", -he wrote in a social network.

In his opinion, all dissatisfied with the current occupation authorities in terms of information resources and propaganda "act jointly and in concert (with Ukraine - OstroV), under the overall leadership and with prior agreement with the intent of inflicting damage to the state security of the LDNR and the Russian Federation".