
Explosion at the mine in the Donetsk oblast: seven miners injured 04/17/2018 12:14:33. Total views 916. Views today — 0.

Seven miners suffered, one of them is in critical condition as a result of explosion at the Pokrovska mine in Udachne settlement. This was reported by head of Donetsk Regional State Administration Pavlo Zhebrivskyi on Facebook.

It is noted that the incident occurred yesterday about 11 p.m. on the 2nd southern face of block 7 on the horizon of 470 meters.

"At that time, there were 406 miners in the mine, 37 in the emergency area. As the rescuers tell me, at 00:40, all miners from the emergency area were brought to the surface. Six victims were hospitalized in the Kramatorsk burn center, one - in the Myrnohrad hospital", - the governor noted.

The mine's operation is suspended only in the emergency area, other sections are operating as usual.