
Poroshenko named the end date of the ATO. "The war will end with our victory" 04/05/2018 15:50:38. Total views 824. Views today — 0.

The Anti-Terrorist Operation in Donbass will end in May, President Petro Poroshenko told on a regional press conference in Vinnytsia.

"The end date of the ATO will be in May, and we will move on to another format of the country's defence in accordance with the adopted law. We are introducing new, more effective measures with the use of the armed forces. We are doing this because we see a sharp increase in the level of threat in the east of our state... The regime of the ATO, where everything was coordinated through the SBU, will now be transferred to the leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine", - Poroshenko said.

The operation will gain a military format under the leadership of General Serhiy Nayev. "But it is much harder to tell when the war will be over. I do not doubt that the war will end with our victory", - he said.

As OstroV reported, on March 16, President Petro Poroshenko appointed General-Lieutenant Serhiy Nayev commander of the United Forces.