
Monday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 02/13/2018 10:34:11. Total views 971. Views today — 0.

"The DNR head" Alexander Zakharchenko: "We share the blood of those people who stormed Stalingrad, won the Battle of Poltava, the Battle on the Ice...".

"The MIA of the DNR": "In order to identify sabotage and reconnaissance groups, as well as to prevent the commission of crimes and offenses during the night, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DNR conducted a Night City preventive operation from February 10 to 11. 393 people were detained for violation of the curfew".

"People's militia of the LNR": "People's militia of the LNR will train snipers with use of the means developed by experts of military departments of high schools of the republic".

"Head of the DNR delegation" at the Minsk talks Denis Pushilin: "The integration processes of the Republic with the Russian Federation are running and gaining momentum, and their results have already been noted not only by our allies".

Media: "Scientists of the Donetsk University dedicated an extended meeting of their council to the 100th anniversary of the Donetsk-Kryvyj Rih Republic".

"Donetsk City Administration": "94 babies were born in Donetsk from February 5 to 12: 44 boys and 50 girls".

"Luhansk City Administration": "48 children were born in Luhansk from February 5 to 11 - 19 boys and 29 girls".

"Luhansk City Administration": "The communal services restored the sign "I love Krasnyj Luch", damaged by vandals. The act of vandalism was committed on the night of January 31 to February 1, 2018. Unknown persons tore off the sign located in ​​the park area of ​​the Lenin Palace of Culture".

Media: "Young LNR educators are going to strengthen cooperation with their Russian colleagues in 2018".

"The MIA of the LNR": "For a day, the LNR law enforcers have seized about 1267 units of ammunition from residents".

"The MIA of the DNR": "In Novoazovsky district of the DNR, policemen found and seized a RGD-5 grenade with a fuse and 30 rounds of 5.45 mm caliber at the place of residence of a previously convicted 38-year-old citizen".

"The MIA of the DNR": "Police detained a group of underage car thieves in Makiivka. They have been stealing cars since December 2017. According to them, they stole 8 cars just "to ride".

"The LNR SE Luhanskvoda": "Luhanskvoda stopped supplying water to Bryanka consumers because of emergency repair works on the main water pipeline".

"The MIA of the LNR": "Luhansk police detained a robber. He snatched food package from a woman".