
The "LNR" militants found a cache of weapons and tried to pass Russian mines off as Ukrainian (PHOTO) 12/11/2017 17:50:16. Total views 863. Views today — 0.

The "LNR" militants are trying to pass weapons and Russian ammunition cache, found on the outskirts of Luhansk, off as the secret arsenal of Ukrainian "saboteurs". This is reported by the separatist media with reference to the fake "Interior Ministry".

"Judging by the nomenclature of the hiding place, it was created by Ukrainian reconnaissance groups as a long-term base for replenishing supplies of groups of saboteurs operating in the territory of the Republic", - the separatists said.

However, the discovered arsenal includes Russian-made ammunition.

So, for example, mines MON-50, according to the marking, were manufactured in Russia in 2003, so they could not be in the arsenal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

These munitions are marked with standard markings in three rows:

1) MON-50 - mine cipher

2) 1B-3-88 - manufacturer's code - batch number - year of manufacture, in this case, 2003.

3) PVV-5 - cipher of equipment.

The question of how Russian-made mines got to the occupied territory of the Luhansk oblast is likely to be rhetorical.