
Russia's return to PACE contradicts international law - Foreign Ministry spokeswoman 11/27/2017 17:27:56. Total views 818. Views today — 0.

The return of Russia to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe will be contrary to international law. This was written by the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marjana Betsa on Twitter.

"The return of the Russian Federation to the PACE without evening out international legal violations, the restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity and the withdrawal of Russian troops is contrary to international law", - said Betsa.

She stressed that Russia has not implemented a single resolution within the framework of the Council of Europe, the UN or the OSCE.

"There can be no compromises in the implementation of international law and values", - the Foreign Ministry spokeswoman wrote.

As previously reported, Council of Europe Secretary General Jagland spoke in favor of Russia's return to PACE and the lifting of sanctions imposed on Russia for aggression against Ukraine.