
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 11/22/2017 11:20:23. Total views 777. Views today — 0.

"Head of the LNR MIA" Igor Kornet: "In the night of November 21, the forces of the LNR MIA suppressed the activities of Ukrainian sabotage-reconnaissance group, attempting to enter the territory of the Republic in order to commit a number of resonant subversive terrorist acts. Most of the saboteurs were detained. Search and detention of the remaining members of the group and their accomplices continues. Currently, situation in the Republic is completely controlled by law enforcement agencies. The MIA is working as usual, the staff of the department continues to fulfill its commitments. I also want to dispel the rumours about my resignation".

"Head of the LNR" Igor Plotnitsky: "I assure you that the statement of I.Kornet is unfounded and carries no legal weight. Since yesterday, I.Kornet was legally removed from office: there is a court decision, a request from the relevant committee of the People's Council. Moreover, new acting Minister of the Interior of the LNR was appointed. I want to assure that the situation is under the control of the LNR leadership and will be completely resolved in the near future. Attempts of people, acting under the influence of illegitimate leadership of the LNR MIA are aimed primarily at creating social tension in cities of the Luhansk People's Republic and are a continuation of the personnel changes that took place on November 20 according to the legislation of the Luhansk People's Republic".

Media: "Servicemen of the commandant's regiment were awarded by the head of the LNR".

"The DNR operational command": "In the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the ceasefire, officers of the Russian Federation and the Donetsk People's Republic agreed with Ukraine "a silence regime" for the restoration of power supply of Krasny Partizan village near Yasynuvata".

Media: "Head of the DNP Alexander Zakharchenko congratulated employees of the tax and customs services on a professional holiday. He compared the work of tax and customs officials of the Donetsk People's Republic with the exploits of servicemen at the front".

Media: "The ranks of "The Donetsk Republic" social movement were reinforced by 11 employees of the Komsomolsk Mine Administration".

Media: "The DNR farmers went to Russia to establish working relations with colleagues from the Kursk oblast".

Media: "Exhibition about the LNR achievements was opened in the Mine Management of Krasnodonvugillya named after Barakov".