
Three Ukrainian fighters died in ATO zone because of careless use of stove 11/20/2017 13:59:08. Total views 760. Views today — 0.

Three Ukrainian servicemen of the military unit, which carries out missions in ATO zone in the Donbass, died on November 19. This is reported by the press center of the ATO Headquarters on Facebook.

Emergency situation occurred in one of the military units, which carries out combat missions in the Donetsk direction of the area of anti-terrorist operation.

"Three servicemen died on November 19. According to preliminary information, this happened as a result of careless use of stove equipment. Causes and details of the emergency situation are being investigated. Operational group of the military police and representatives of the military prosecutor's office are working on the spot", - the report said.

Criminal proceeding was instituted upon the incident, investigation is being conducted.

The command of the anti-terrorist operation forces expresses condolences to the families and friends of the deceased servicemen.