
State mines in Ukraine are to be merged into one company 10/23/2017 17:48:53. Total views 1073. Views today — 0.

The state coal enterprises will be reorganized and merged into one new state enterprise "National Coal Company", for which all the permits will be reissued until the end of 2017. According to hubs.ua, this follows from the plan of measures for the current year regarding the implementation of the Concept of Reforming and Development of the Coal Industry for the period up to 2020, which the Cabinet of Ministers attributed to №733 from May 24.

In accordance with the document, the reorganization was entrusted to the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry of Ukraine.

The roadmap timeline notes that by the end of the year it is planned to optimize the structure of the separate subdivisions of the "National Coal Company". In particular, we are talking about the creation of a research and development center and a service and technical center for maintenance and repair of equipment, as well as liquidation of non-core assets, making an inventory of the existing technological potential of coal enterprises and transfering social facilities to the balance of local budgets.

By early next year, the development of a comprehensive program of work of state coal enterprises is planned with defining of prospective and unpromising mines subject to liquidation.

In addition, the roadmap timeline calls for amendments to the 2017 state budget to allocate additional $30.1 million for the modernization and technical re-equipment of mines, and $3.7 million for the purchase of individual and collective protection equipment.

As previously reported, in the first half of 2016 the coal mining enterprises of Ukraine reduced the production of ordinary coal by 496.6 thousand tons (-2.6%) compared to the same period in 2015 - up to 18 million 975.1 thousand tons.