
The "DNR" leader stated that the detained "Ukrainian saboteurs" would be executed by shooting to avoid wholesale betrayal 10/11/2017 11:37:19. Total views 775. Views today — 0.

Allegedly "Ukrainian saboteurs", detained in the occupied Donbass, will be executed by shooting. The leader of the "republic" Alexander Zakharchenko made such statement in an interview with propaganda Russian Ukraina.ru.

The militant told that the "DNR" and the "LNR" security forces regularly detain "saboteurs".

"We have common military and police activities, prosecutors work together… Our (the "DNR" – OstroV) people go there, their (the "LNR"– OstroV) people come here. They caught a Ukrainian saboteur who had made his way from our territory. We caught saboteurs who came from the LNR", - Zakharchenko boasted of "counter- diversionary" successes.

"More likely, we will execute these saboteurs by shooting. The authorities must show their teeth, or we will have fearless betrayals", - he stated.