
Militants stopped guarding the advanced patrol base of the OSCE SMM in occupied Horlivka without a word of warning 09/26/2017 17:00:09. Total views 942. Views today — 0.

The militants have stopped guarding the advanced patrol base of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in occupied Horlivka from September 24 without a word of warning. Ukrainian party of the JCCC is concerned and condemns such actions of the CDDO representatives, - press center of the ATO headquarters reports.

"Ukrainian party of the JCCC expresses disquiet and forcefully condemns the actions of the CDDO representatives, who have stopped guarding the advanced OSCE SMM patrol base in Horlivka from September 24 on a unilateral basis, and qualifies them as a flagrant violation of the Minsk agreements", - the statement said.

According to Ukrainian party of the JCCC, such actions of the militants "are frankly provocative and constitute a flagrant violation of the OSCE SMM mandate".

Ukrainian party of the JCCC believes that these actions are aimed at intimidating representatives of the OSCE SMM and impeding their effective work in the territory of the CDDO and the CDLO.

In this regard, Ukrainian party of the JCCC calls on the Russian party of the Joint Center to take urgent measures and contribute to the activities of the OSCE SMM in the territory of the CDDO and the CDLO.