
The President signs law on Constitutional Court 07/31/2017 16:43:29. Total views 771. Views today — 0.

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the Law of Ukraine "On the Constitutional Court". This is reported by the press service of the Head of State.

According to the President, the signed document is an integral part of the judiciary reform, aimed at ensuring the right of Ukrainian citizens to a fair trial.

Poroshenko mentioned there were two fundamental innovations in the law: absolutely transparent competitive selection of candidates for judges of the Constitutional Court and the possibility of any legal entity (except representatives of the state or local self-government bodies) or natural entity to file a complaint with the Constitutional Court.

The head of state noted that this right was never granted to ordinary Ukrainians in the history of Ukraine. "If a person believes that the law that was applied when deciding against him or her in previous courts is unconstitutional, this person should no longer seek people's deputies or the President. He or she will finally have the right to directly appeal to the Constitutional Court with a constitutional complaint, and the court must consider it and make an appropriate decision", - the head of state said.

The President stressed that the new law "substantially increases the level of protection of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens". Also, Poroshenko thanked the deputies for supporting the presidential proposals, considered in the relevant law.

As previously reported, on July 13, the Verkhovna Rada adopted the law "On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine" (No. 6427-d). 245 out of 364 MPs registered in the session hall voted for this decision.