
The "LNR" denied approving any "Malorossia". "It raises serious doubts" 07/18/2017 13:20:51. Total views 850. Views today — 0.

The so-called chairman of the "People's Council of the LNR" said that they did not approve any creation of "Malorossia".

He denied the participation of official representatives of the "LNR" in the meeting in Donetsk, where the leader of the "DNR" Alexander Zakharchenko announced the establishment of a "new state Malorossia".

"The Luhansk People's Republic did not send its official delegates to Donetsk to participate in the meeting of the representatives of the Ukrainian regions. In fact, we were not even aware of the intention to host this event, this issue was not coordinated with us", - Degtiarenko said.

He stressed that "at the moment the expediency of such a step raises serious doubts".