
The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine opened an investigation of police cooperation with "titushky" that attacked the participants of ATO in Dnipro in the Victory Day – Lutsenko 05/10/2017 11:58:31. Total views 918. Views today — 0.

"Titushky" who yesterday have attacked the participants of ATO during the mass events on May 9 will be convicted of a criminal offence. This was announced by the Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko on Facebook.

He stated that eight attackers were identified, they were detained by law enforcement officials.

"8 identified titushky that attacked ATO participants were detained yesterday, they will be prosecuted. The investigation is working to establish the organizer and the source of funding for titushky. The investigation of the shameful cooperation of employees of the National Police with titushky is also being conducted", - he wrote.

According to him, the pro-Kremlin, in fact, action became possible because of "self-elimination of patriotic organizations and parties from the celebration of OUR VICTORY".

As previously reported, clashes had arisen between the veterans of ATO and the police in Dnipro on May 9 during a procession of the representatives of the Socialist Party and Opposition Bloc to the monument of Glory. The police used batons, several veterans of ATO were injured, an ambulance took one person with a broken head. According to the law enforcement officials, the conflict began because the socialists had marched a column with pink flags of their party. They did not react to the request to remove them. Several veterans of ATO had stopped the column of the Opposition Bloc, which went to the monument of Glory with blue balloons. There was a skirmish between the veterans of ATO and athletic men. 15 people were delivered to the police departments. 14 people were injured – 8 participants of the event and 6 policemen.