
Poroshenko endorsed a law that allows to award foreigners of the Heavenly Hundred the title of Hero of Ukraine posthumously 05/03/2017 13:47:21. Total views 921. Views today — 0.

The President Petro Poroshenko has endorsed a law according to which the title of Hero of Ukraine can be awarded posthumously to a foreign citizen who was awarded the medal of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred. The relevant law "On Amendments to Section V "Final Provisions" of the Law of Ukraine "On State Awards of Ukraine" was adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on April 13, 2017, - the press service of the head of state reports.

"Ukraine is grateful and always remembers the heroic deed of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred, who gave the most valuable – their lives. They gave it not only for the freedom of our state, but also for preserving democracy and freedom throughout Europe and the world", - the President noted. He stressed that citizens of other countries also stood shoulder to shoulder with Ukrainians in this fight.

P.Porshenko added that we live and have a unique chance to change the country for the better thanks to their self-sacrifice, and should not miss it. "The Heavenly Hundred went toward this great heroic deed consciously and with no fear, just as today the Ukrainian Heroes defend our state against the Russian aggressor in the Donbass. They defend the right of Ukraine to be a truly independent, successful European country", - Petro Poroshenko noted.

The relevant Law establishes that the title of Hero of Ukraine as an exception can be awarded posthumously to a foreigner who was awarded the medal of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred for an outstanding heroic deed connected with assertion of the constitutional principles of democracy, human rights and freedoms during the Revolution of Dignity (November 2013 – February 2014).

The document comes into effect on the day following the day of its publication.

The head of state has initiated the introduction of appropriate changes to the current legislation following the meeting with the families of the Heroes of Heavenly Hundred, which took place on February 20 this year. The President awarded three foreigners the medal of Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred – citizens of Belarus Mikhail Zhyznievskiy, Georgia – Zurab Khurtsia and David Kipiani, who had died during the Revolution of Dignity.