
Militants have ruined the Minsk agreements on the establishment of cease-fire - the headquarters of ATO 02/20/2017 10:15:05. Total views 885. Views today — 0.

There are no prerequisites for the removal of weapons and establishment of cease-fire on the line of demarcation. This was stated by the speaker of the press-center of ATO headquarters Leonid Matyuhin on the air of 112 Ukraine TV channel.

He noted that militants have shelled 62 positions of the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine over the day, 5 shellings were registered per night.

1 soldier was killed, 1 – injured as a result of shelling.

The participants of the Trilateral Contact Group to resolve the situation in the Donbass earlier reached a new agreement on the removal of heavy weapons until February 20. This was reported by the OSCE representative in negotiating Martin Sajdik.

As previously reported, one Ukrainian soldier was killed and one was injured in the course of ATO on February 19.