
They are "cleaning" the highest ranks of the so-called GAI in occupied Gorlovka. "This is what happens to traitors" – journalist 11/02/2016 18:37:55. Total views 1049. Views today — 0.

They are "cleaning" the highest ranks of local GAI (traffic police) established by miltants. It was reported by journalist Alexander Bilinskiy on his Facebook page.

According to him, they carry out searches and "interrogation".

"They are cleaning their own people in occupied Gorlovks who made fortune during last two years. Thy found a lot of weapons, money and fake documents in the house of the chief of traffic police Dmitriy Tuva. He helped to transport stolen truck left by entrepreneurs, who went to other cities of Ukraine, to Rostov," - said the journalist who has good sources in native Gorlovka.

"Chief of MREO (Driving License Office) Denis Nemytkin is in intensive care department after a conversation with "MSS of the DPR". I remember that during the peace time you could solve any problem thanks to him, he was a purse in MREO," - sdds A. Bilinskiy.

"This is what happens to traitors...", - he concluded, stressing that these "traffic cops" joined the "DPR" by breaking the oath. Previously, they served in the agencies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.