
Only 15.6% of MPs are ready to vote for the special status of Donbass now – poll 09/28/2016 20:44:55. Total views 1017. Views today — 0.

Almost two-thirds MPs of Ukraine did not consider the Minsk agreements to be the only and non-alternative way to solve the conflict in Donbass. It is evidenced by results of the poll of the MPs of Ukraine, conducted by the Gorshenin Institute, - informs Interfax-Ukraine.

Thus, according to the poll, 59.7% of the interviewed MPs said they did not consider the Minsk agreements to be the only and non-alternative way to solve the conflict in Donbass. And only 32.5% have the opposite opinion. In addition, 7.8% could not answer this question.

"Among the laws that need to implement the Minsk agreements, under present conditions, the draft law on the elections in separate districts of Donetsk and Luhansk region by Ukrainian legislation is more likely to be adopted. But only a quarter of respondent MPs (24.7%) voted for it. At that time, when 57.1% MPs voted against the adoption of such a law, 18.2% of respondents choose the "no opinion", - stated the poll.

In addition, according to a poll, 15.6% of the surveyed MPs voted for the special status of separate districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions (SDDLR), 63.6% against and 20.8% MPs hesitate.

The amnesty law has the least chances ("for" - 11.7%, "against" - 61.0%, "difficult to answer" - 27.3%).

The poll of MPs of Ukraine was conducted by the Gorshenin Institute from 20th to 23rd September 2016. The selection was designed taking into account the number of members of the Verkhovna Rada factions. The poll involved 163 parliamentarians. It was conducted by questionnaire interview.