
GPU came to Kernes in Kharkov to search. House belonging to Dobkin’s mother was under parliamentary immunity 09/15/2016 13:50:59. Total views 979. Views today — 0.

Searches on the premises which belong to Mayor Gennadiy Kernes and the mother of MP Mikhail Dobkin were held in Kharkov in the morning on September 15th. It was announced by Prosecutor General of Ukraine Yuriy Lutsenko, - his press secretary Larisa Sargan wrote about that on Facebook.

In total ten searches are planned. 100 GPU and SSU employees went to the city. The searches are conducted in connection with a criminal case in relation to the organization of the theft scheme of 654 hectares of land in Kharkov in the amount of 4 billion UAH.

"Authorities of the city are suspected of the organization schema. We went to search National Hotel where mayor G.Kernes lives. We also came to search the house which belongs to the mother of M. Dobkin, but he came and showed residence certificate and, according to the law, it is under MP’s immunity ", - said Sargan’s statement.